Thomas H. Bushelman, Jr., LS
President, Surveying Supervisor
Professional Licensed Surveyor, Reg. No. 3722
National Society of Professional Surveyors
Kentucky Association of Professional Surveyors
Chairman, Northern Kentucky Chapter of KAPS
Thomas H. Bushelman, Jr. is founder and president of Commonwealth Surveying. His career began as an electronics technician in the U.S. Navy, and was later accepted in the Civil Engineering program at the University of Kentucky where his military training dovetailed with the requirements of a surveyor. His surveying experience extends to projects in Cleveland, Ohio, Los Angeles, California, and Charlotte, North Carolina before bringing his experience back to Kentucky. His unique background has allowed him to master a wide range of surveying applications from all parts of the country and bring to each job a broad scope and comprehensive knowledge of the field.
Tom is currently the Chairman of the Northern Kentucky chapter of the Kentucky Association of Professional Land Surveyors. He is also an accomplished Bluegrass musician and is on the Board of the Northern Kentucky Bluegrass Music Association.
Contact Tom Bushelman at:

Thomas H. Bushelman, Jr.
