Here are common questions people often ask about the surveying services we do. If you have a question for us, please email us at pls@CommonwealthSurveying.com.
1. What is a land property survey?
A property boundary survey is the result of an accumulation of evidence researched from known recorded and non-recorded documents, witness evidence, field survey measurements and deed computation analysis of the property. The information obtained for the survey could be used in placing the property corners, determining land area, locating improvements, determining encroachments, planning for future projects, preparing a survey plat and deed description and making legal presentations.
2. When do I need a survey?
It is a good idea to have a property survey:
a. When buying, selling, investing in or developing property.
b. If a boundary location is unknown or unclear.
c. Before improvements are made (buildings, fences, excavation, etc.)
d. To stop encroachments from adjoining owners.
e. To establish easements and rights of way.
f. When timber is cut near a property boundary line.
g. When recommended by a lending institution.
h. When dividing a large tract of land into a smaller tract or tracts.
3. How many kinds of surveys are there?
There are many kinds, but here are the most common:
Property Boundary Survey - This is the most common kind of survey and the one people will be familiar with most. The information obtained for this survey could be used in placing the property corners, determining land area, locating improvements, determining encroachments, planning for future projects, preparing a survey plat and deed description and making legal presentations.
Construction Surveys -
A construction survey consists of the survey measurements made while construction is in process to control elevation, horizontal position, building dimensions and configuration.
Retracement Land Survey -
A retracement land survey is made for the purpose of verifying the area, the direction and the length of the property boundary lines and for identifying the monuments and other marks of an earlier survey or deed between parcels of land. This survey retraces the lines of the original surveyor and his survey. No new boundary lines are established.
Subdivision Survey - A subdivision survey locates and establishes legal property boundaries by dividing a large tract into smaller area lots. This survey usually involves original adjoining boundaries, newly established lot boundaries, streets, rights-of way, easements and other data needed for successfully completing the project. Usually these surveys are governed by local agencies and must meet specific requirements.
Mortgage Inspection -
This inspection does NOT constitute a boundary survey and is NOT a recordable document. The sole purpose of the inspection is to obtain mortgage title insurance. A mortgage inspection is the minimum service required by a lender in closing a loan. This inspection is an approximate location of improvements and a cursory check for violations or encroachments which may affect the property tract. Precise boundary locations are not normally established. This inspection is subject to any inaccuracies that a subsequent property boundary survey may disclose. No property corners are set and the information should NOT be used or relied upon for the establishment of any fence, structure or other improvements.
NOTE: There are many other types of surveying services we provide. You can find a list of them on our services page.
4. Who can perform a survey?
It is Kentucky law that all surveyors practicing in the Commonwealth must be licensed. A licensed land surveyor is a professional person who possesses the required progressive active experience in the practice of land surveying under the direct supervision of a registered and practicing land surveyor. He has passed written examinations in the fundamentals of surveying and the principles and practices of land surveying acceptable to the Kentucky State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and has received a valid license from that board.
The professional services provided by the land surveyor will cost less in time, worry and expense than the cost of losing land to an adjoiner, moving a building, relocating improvements or defending a lawsuit in court because of a land boundary dispute. The land surveyor renders a highly technical and complex service. No one other than the surveyor can assume responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of the work.
4. What should I look for when hiring a surveyor?
Here are some "do's" and "don'ts":
a. DO contact a surveyor well before the survey is needed.
b. DO make sure the land surveyor is licensed and in good standing with governing authorities. Consult other authorities as to a land surveyor’s qualifications and their character. Commonwealth Surveying is fully licensed and insured, and are active members of the Kentucky Association of Professional Surveyors. Not all surveyors are members.
c. DO expect quality work which meets the required minimum standards of practice. Accept nothing less.
d. DO furnish information requested and explain to the surveyor the specific scope of work desired.
e. DO ask the surveyor to explain and review his work to you after the survey.
f. DO inspect the boundary lines and monuments to familiarize yourself with their position. A good surveyor will be happy to explain your boundaries to you.
g. DO record the survey plat and/or description even if a property transfer is not made.
h. DON’T select a surveyor on cost alone.
5. Can I move a survey monument on my property?
NO! Do not relocate or move any boundary monument for whatever reason! Kentucky law considers it a crime - a Class D felony - to move any survey monument for any reason! This is because a single monument is used for referencing many properties besides yours. An improperly moved monument will change other property lines, which can result in dire consequences for both property owners - and for the individual who moved the survey monument.
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Why Choose
Commonwealth Surveying?
Simply put, we are good at what we do!
Growing populations, expanding commercial real estate development, and a continued rise in homebuilding and home-buying have generated a greater demand for surveying services than at any time before in our history. Few professions require such exacting demands as those placed on a land surveyor. On a surveyor’s shoulders often rest the legal, contractual, environmental, and economic welfare of entire communities.
Because of this responsibility, Commonwealth Surveying is professionally licensed by the Commonwealth of Kentucky and utilizes only state-of-the-art survey equipment and software, including robotic total stations, and the latest data collection technology available. This allows us to deliver professional, environmentally responsible, and accurate results every time. We offer complete surveying solutions for any kind of commercial real estate development, municipal requirement, or residential needs.
Commonwealth has experience with everything from multi-million dollar commercial development projects, to land and subdivision development, to small residential property surveys. We maintain strong, ethical working relationships with a host of businesses, and are members in the Kentucky Association of Professional Surveyors (KAPS) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS).
Commonwealth Surveying looks forward to serving you in all of your survey needs.