Commonwealth Surveying also provides residential surveying services to homeowners, new home buyers, new home builders, and private property owners and buyers. Call us to find out more about the services we offer below:

Residential Services:
Data Collection
Deed Research
Record Plats
Residential lot design & layout
Home & Property Surveys
New Home Construction Surveys
Plot Plans & House Stakeouts
Flood Certifications
Mortgage Loan Inspections
Topographic Surveys


The sole purpose of the inspection is to obtain mortgage title insurance. A mortgage inspection is the minimum service required by a lender in closing a loan. This inspection does NOT constitute a boundary survey and is NOT a recordable document. This inspection is an approximate location of improvements and a cursory check for violations or encroachments which may affect the property tract. Precise boundary locations are not normally established. This inspection is subject to any inaccuracies that a subsequent property boundary survey may disclose. No property corners are set and the information should NOT be used or relied upon for the establishment of any fence, structure or other improvements.

A certificate of survey is issued to every property owner of record when a survey is completed. Below is an example of a survey conducted on a property in a residential cul-de-sac.




1. DO contact a surveyor well before the survey is needed.

2. DO make sure the land surveyor is licensed and in good standing with governing authorities. Consult other authorities as to a land surveyor’s qualifications, ethics, and character.

3. DO expect quality work which meets the required minimum standards of practice. Accept nothing less!

4. DO furnish information requested and explain to the surveyor the specific scope of work desired.

5. DO ask the surveyor to explain and review his work.

6. DO inspect the boundary lines and monumentation to familiarize yourself with their position.

7. DO record the survey plat and/or description even if a property transfer is not made.



1. DON’T select a surveyor on cost alone.

2. DON'T relocate or move any boundary monument for whatever reason! Kentucky law considers it a crime - a Class D felony - to move any survey monument for any reason! This is because a single monument is used for referencing other monuments and property lines besides yours. An improperly placed monument can change other property lines, which can result in dire consequences for both property owners and for the individual who moved the survey monument.

Above is a typical example of a boundary marker.

So, you just bought a new home, right?

So, why have a survey done?

Believe it or not, errors in property boundaries are not uncommon. This is especially true in older properties which were surveyed long ago with older, less accurate equipment. Such errors can lead to property disputes and cost a property owner a great deal of time, money, and aggravation.

There are other problems that often arise with property boundaries. These are not with the surveyed boundary itself, but with fence lines and structures that are erected on land a property owner believed was his.

In the picture above, this property owner was surprised to learn his fence (put up by a previous owner) was displaced because of a storm sewer lid and utilities box erected in the middle of his property line. His neighbor was just as surprised to learn he didn't own the extra property!

These kinds of boundary errors are common, especially in older properties and properties that change hands a lot. Errors often creep in because previous owners put up fences or structures on property they didn't know wasn't theirs. If you are a homeowner and never had a survey done, you can call us for free advice. Or, you can go to our FAQs page and learn more about surveys.

We use only the latest and most advanced equipment in our surveying operations, providing every client - large or small - with greater accuracy and affordability.


Commonwealth Surveying

Surveying Is Our Job.
Kentucky Is Our Business.
Tel: 859-689-SRVY (7789)
Fax: 859-689-0774
Cell: 859-743-2424
Email: pls@CommonwealthSurveying.com

Kentucky Professional Licensed Surveyor, Reg. No. 3722
© 2025 Commonwealth Surveying, LLC. All Rights Reserved.